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Information on the processing of personal data pursuant to Regulation (EU) 679/2016
In compliance with the privacy legislation (Regulation (EU) 679/2016 - General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter "RGPD"), we wish to inform the interested party that the e-mail address and other personal data supplied with the compilation of the this form, are necessary to process the request submitted and, in their absence, the procedure for acquiring the request cannot be completed.

The e-mail address and other personal data thus acquired are processed by STARPOWER S.R.L. with headquarters in Via Togliatti, 2 Z.I. S.Giacomo 42016 GUASTALLA (RE) ITALY - P.Iva 01832790354, (Data Controller) with computerized procedures and methods suitable for ensuring the correct management of the requested service and the related regulatory obligations. The data is stored at STARPOWER S.R.L. for the time required by current legislation and are protected with adequate security measures, in compliance with the required standards regarding data privacy and secrecy of communications.
The data processing is entrusted to employees and collaborators specially authorized by STARPOWER S.R.L. within the functions and offices in charge.

Rights of the interested party:
At any time the interested party can access his personal data and possibly request the correction or integration of it if inaccurate or incomplete, the deletion of the data, the limitation of the processing or the portability of the data where the conditions exist, or oppose their use for direct marketing purposes, as well as revoking the consent if released (articles 15-22 of the RGPD), by contacting STARPOWER S.R.L. with headquarters in Via Togliatti, 2 Z.I. S.Giacomo 42016 GUASTALLA (RE) ITALY - P.Iva 01832790354,
The interested party may also lodge a complaint with the Privacy Guarantor, if he believes that his rights have been violated in relation to the processing of personal data concerning him.

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